Saturday, November 1, 2014

Captain No Beard pt. 3

Title: Captain No Beard Series
Author: Carole P. Roman

This is my third part of the Captain No Beard series review. The series follows Alexander, who is Captain No Beard, and his imaginary crew on many adventures aboard the high seas with his crew of friends. Each books focuses on a different lesson that is taught throughout the books. Below are mini reviews of the three most recent books:

The Treasure of Snake Island
Grade: B
This particular Captain No Beard book focuses on the importance of reading in learning new information. When Polly the Parrot brings up a saying she read in a book the entire crew discusses how you can learn something new just by reading a book. I obviously love to read and have a mission each school year of planting the seed of the joy of reading in each of my students. I think that this book states that fact in a fun and unique way. I do have to say that this was not my most favorite book in the series because it did not have a lot of action by the pirate crew, but I do like that it relayed the importance of reading to the children reading the book.

The Crew Goes Coconuts
Grade: A
This addition to the series tackles the always important subject of bullying. When First Mate Hallie brings aboard her goat Matie, no one is very happy when Matie drinks all of the juice. Everyone starts to be mean to Matie and starts to call her names. When Captain No Beard discovers this, he teaches his crew a lesson on how everyone is unique. I think that bullying s a very prominent subject in society today. In most schools there is a big push on identifying bullying and how to prevent it. Explaining bullying to a preschooler is sometimes hard because they don't always understand what bullying is. Most of the time their version of bullying is saying unkind things about someone. I think that this books displays that type of bullying very well and why it really does hurt someones feelings. I think that this is the perfect book on bullying to read to a preschool class!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the lovely reviews! I was bullied as a child and wanted a special way to open discussions to address how hurtful it can be.
