Sunday, January 22, 2012

My TBR Shelf

A TBR shelf is a badge of honor for every reader. I don't have a huge collection of TBR books, but I do have enough to fill a shelf! Like every reader, I have a problem with buying books when I already have many unread ones at home. This is my small but mighty TBR shelf, and it is bound to just keep growing!

Although my shelf is small, I have a TBR notebook that is several pages long! I am a libraryaholic, so I get most of my books at the library. I write the name and author of the book, then write by each book what library it can be found at. That way I have an idea of what I am getting at the library!
Happy reading!


  1. cool! that's one of my problems too. i keep buying book even though i still have a lot of unread ones>.<

    parenting articles

  2. I have a couple shelves full of books to read! Still- I want to buy more books. I borrow a lot of books from my mom- and I check at least 5 books out of the library each month. It is hard when a new book comes out that I really want to read. I keep a list too!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog hop and following my blog. I am following you back!


  3. I have quite a list too. I keep seperate amazon lists for books at my library, books I want through interlibrary loan, and those to buy or try to get an arc.
