Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Review: No Summit out of Sight

Title: No Summit out of Sight
Author: Jordan Romero
Grade: A

This book follows Jordan Romero's quest to climb the the 7 (actually 8) summits in the world. He does not set out to be the youngest person to do this, but in the end he sets the record. Jordan climbs all of them with the help of his dad and stepmom. He climbs his first summit at age 10, and summits his 8 and final, in this quest, at the age of 15. Along the way Jordan and his team face many doubters and criticisms of allowing a child to attempt this massive task. Time and again, Jordan proves them all wrong.

My favorite aspect of this book was that Jordan not only documents the positive parts of his journey, he also makes sure that the readers are aware of the mental, physical, and emotional struggles he encounters along the way. There are several times when Jordan wants to give up, but is able to push through with the loving support of his family and friends. I suggest this book to anyone who loves adventure and to anyone attempting their own "Everest". You won't be sorry you took the chance!

Happy Reading!


  1. I have become fan of adventurism after reading this blog. You just need to be determined and well focused to gain your goals and it’s really inspiring story.

  2. It seems to be good reading and worth having. Will be my copy soon. Going to pass on information among my circle as well
